heARE 12 - 2023 - SOG Health Pte. Ltd.

SOG Health x WeBarre Collaboration

We were at the beautiful newly-opened WeBarre studio at Holland Village to share an intimate exchange session with a class of soon-to-be-moms after their prenatal workout. Dr Natalie Chua, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, answered some of the common questions that first-time-moms might have on diets and what to look out for during the various stages of pregnancy.

In an earlier session at another WeBarre studio, Dr Choo Wan Ling spoke about perimenopause and tips on how to manage the big M. Menopause is a topic that is hardly touched on due to social stigmas, and we wanted to spread the awareness surrounding this topic in this collaboration with WeBarre.

We would like to say a huge thank you to the wonderful team at WeBarre for this opportunity and to all the lovely ladies we’d met on these two occasions!

SOG – Choo Wan Ling Clinic for Women

Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre, #06-56/57

T: 6262 3060

SOG – Natalie Chua Clinic For Women

Parkway East Medical Centre #02-07

T: 6690 2474

Visit here for more details.

Zaobao: “Wood Dragon Baby” is expected to increase the fertility rate next year, but the growth rate may not be as high as the previous Year of the Dragon

Local hospitals surveyed said that more babies are born every year in the Year of the Dragon. Based on past statistics, the number of babies born in the Year of the Dragon is 10 to 20% higher than in other years. However, the growth rate of baby dragons next year is expected to be lower than that in 2012, the Year of the Dragon. Dr Beh Suan Tiong, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, shares more about the various factors that might affect the birth trend next year.

Read the full article here https://www.zaobao.com.sg/news/singapore/story20231221-1457256

SOG – Beh Clinic for Women

Thomson Medical Centre

339 Thomson Road #05-03, Singapore 307677

Tel: (65) 6352 9227

Website: https://www.sog.com.sg/drbehsuantiong/

CNA Lifestyle Feature: Why women get recurrent urinary tract infections as they age

Painful peeing, the constant urge to go to the bathroom, sleepless nights from too many bathroom trips, lower abdomen discomfort, and feeling tired, overall. It’s the dreaded urinary tract infection (UTI), which some women notice seems to occur more frequently as they get older.
Dr Beh Suan Tiong, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, shares his insights on why women are more prone to UTI, and why does it happen more often in older women. Find out what are the causes behind UTI, why it recurs and what we can do to prevent and make it more managable.
SOG – Beh Clinic for Women
Thomson Medical Centre
339 Thomson Road #05-03, Singapore 307677
Tel: (65) 6352 9227
SOG Call Center
+65 9781 1764
For voice calls only
SOG Call Center
+65 9781 1764
For messages only