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Lavender Medicare Webinar (English & Bahasa): I feel a lump on my breast, is it cancer?


What should you do if you feel a lump on your breast? In this webinar organised by Lavender Medicare, Dr Tan Chuan Chien, Consultant General Surgeon (Breast & Thyroid Surgery) covers the topic of breast cancer and what can be done when a lump is discovered.

Conducted in English and Bahasa, webinar aims to increase public knowledge about breast cancer, the importance of regular screening as well as understanding one’s risks.


Apakah semua benjolan di payudara adalah kanker? Lalu bagaimana mengeceknya? Kadang itu menjadi pertanyaan kaum Ibu dan remaja puteri. Dr Tan Chuan Chien, Konsultan Bedah Umum (Bedah Payudara & Tiroid) membahas topik kanker payudara dan apa yang dapat dilakukan ketika benjolan ditemukan.

Webinar ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang kanker payudara, pentingnya pemeriksaan rutin serta pemahaman risiko seseorang.

Credit: Lavender Medicare

Ask the Expert with Cetaphil: What is Sensitive Skin and What Causes It?


Did you know? All skin types can experience any of the 5 signs of skin sensitivity?

Learn more from Dr. Liew Hui Min, SOG Dermatologist about the various signs of skin sensitivity that one can look out for in Cetaphil Singapore’s “Ask The Expert” series – Episode 1 on What is Sensitive Skin and What Causes It.

Watch the full video to learn more: https://youtu.be/xXslBbGVYlg

Credit: Cetaphil Singapore

Singapore Corporate Awards (SCA) (2021 Special Edition)’s Corporate Excellence & Resilience Award


We are delighted to share that Singapore O&G Ltd. (SOG) is one of the 26 winners for the Singapore Corporate Awards (SCA) (2021 Special Edition)’s Corporate Excellence & Resilience Award.

The award by SCA recognises these listed companies that led the way in corporate governance and sustaining shareholder returns during the Covid-19 pandemic. The event was held on 17 November, 2021 at the ParkRoyal Collection @ Marina Bay, graced by Minister, Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Finance and National Development, Ms Indranee Rajah.

Read the full article on Business Times here: https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/companies-markets/singapore-companies-feted-for-their-resilience-during-the-pandemic

Mothercare webinar: Precautions to take while caring for your new-born’s skin

Babies and children generally have sensitive skin. For new parents or parents-to-be, identifying and caring for their new-born’s skin can be a challenging task. Organised by Mothercare, SOG Dermatologist Dr. Liew Hui Min gave tips and advice on how parents can identify and manage various paediatric skin conditions at home, and when a visit to your child’s paediatrician or dermatologist is necessary.

Corporate Lunchtime Talk: Breast Cancer Awareness

In this corporate lunchtime talk organised by Specialist Women’s Imaging (SWI), SOG’s Breast & Thyroid General Surgeon Dr. Tan Chuan Chien spoke to the staff of Dentsu-Merkle about breast cancer. During the webinar, Dr. Tan covered topics about breast cancer awareness, the importance of regular screening as well as understanding your risks.

CNA Lifestyle Feature: Sun spots and wrinkles: A dermatologist’s tips on caring for your menopausal skin

Age spots, dry skin and pronounced fine lines are just some issues you might encounter as you get older. But with the right regime and attitude, you can actually look better with time.

Dermatologist Dr Liew Hui Min of SOG – HM Liew Skin and Laser Clinic explains the effects of menopause on skin, caring for sun spots, dry skin, wrinkles and lifestyle changes that can be made.

Read the full article here

Lianhe ZaoBao 联合早报 Feature: Vacuum-Assisted Breast Biopsy

In this Lianhe ZaoBao 联合早报 article, Dr. Tan Chuan Chien, SOG Consultant General Surgeon (Breast & Thyroid Surgery) talks about the benefits and risks of employing the vacuum-assisted breast biopsy technique as part of his investigations:

“Doctors sometimes recommend biopsies when there is an area of abnormality seen on breast scans. Vacuum-assisted breast biopsy allows sampling of larger amounts of tissue compared to other percutaneous biopsy techniques hence improves the accuracy. Some risks associated with this procedure include slight discomfort during the procedure, some bruising or bleeding at the breast after it.”


Find out more about Dr. Tan Chuan Chien and his services:

🏢 6 Napier Road, Gleneagles Medical Centre #08-15/16 (S) 258499
☎️ (65) 6471 1233
🌐 www.cctansurgery.com.sg

+65 9781 1764
+65 9781 1764