Children & Parenting

5 Tips On How To Cure Your Child's Cold


A typical child will have at least 6-8 colds a year, or even more if your child attends school where they are in close contact with one another. For most children, colds are not dangerous and carry no harm to their overall health. The good news is most toddler colds and mild fevers go away on their own — and getting sick often builds up the immune system, helping your little one to fend off the next bug that comes their way.

Symptoms of the Common Cold

Common cold symptoms in a toddler typically start with a runny nose, sneezing and ends with a cough that often flares up at night. Fortunately, most toddler cold symptoms aren’t very severe, and here are some common ones:

  • Runny nose (discharge is watery at first, then the mucus becomes thicker, opaque and sometimes yellowish or greenish)
  • Dry cough
  • Sneezing
  • Congestion or stuffiness
  • Sore or scratchy throat (which can be difficult to spot in a toddler)
  • Mild fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue and crankiness

How can you treat your child’s cold and help your little one feel better while their body is fighting the virus? Here are 5 tips that will assist you in treating your child’s cold.

*Please note that you should contact your child’s paediatrician for medical treatment if your child’s cold or fever persists for more than 3 days and symptoms get worse. 

1. Treat A Fever

Fevers are an indicator that the body is fighting an infection. Most fevers don’t require medication, and you can cool your toddler down with a cold compress on his forehead. Always consult your paediatrician before giving any medication to a child under 2 years old. For infants younger than three months of age, you should contact your paediatrician right away. Your paediatrician will be able to advise you on the right medicine and dosage appropriate for your child’s age and weight. 

2. Use a Humidifier for stuffy noses

Using a humidifier (or vaporizer) can be incredibly helpful in treating a stuffy nose. Dryness in the air often worsens the symptoms, whereas a cool-mist can loosen congestion, making it easier for your child to breathe. Put it in your child’s room next to the bed or anywhere close to where your child is resting. 

3. Try Saline Nasal Spray

Saline nasal sprays are also effective in dealing with a runny or blocked nose. They break down accumulated mucus letting your child breathe freely. Saline sprays are safe and suitable for kids of all ages because of their natural and non-medicated formula. For infants and babies, place a couple of drops in each nostril and use a suction (nasal) bulb to suck out the mucus. 

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4. Keep Them Hydrated

Drinking enough fluids is always important, especially when your child has a cold. Adequate hydration plays a role in making coughs and nose blowing more productive. Moreover, it helps thin mucus secretions, diminishes headache, and strengthens your child’s immune system. 

Warm water with lemon and honey can loosen up congestion and stuffiness. Lemon juice is an excellent source of vitamin C, while honey can soothe the symptoms of a sore throat. Warm soup can also prevent dehydration and provide your child with the necessary nutrition when they do not have much appetite. 

5. Maintain Good Hygiene

Good hygiene is crucial to help your child recover faster. Your little one should form a habit of washing hands regularly, particularly after coughing and sneezing, using the potty, and before eating. Consistency is the key. A simple ritual of washing hands with soap can prevent any further spread of disease and keep them healthy.

When Should You Call the Paediatrician?

Do not hesitate to contact your child’s paediatrician even if at first glance, this all seems like a simple cold. Some conditions like pneumonia or ear and throat infections are often mistaken for a cold and are not adequately treated in the beginning. 

If your child is less than 6 months of age and is showing symptoms of a cold, contact your child’s paediatrician right away. Provide the paediatrician with all the precise information regarding your child’s condition and all symptoms you have noticed. 


A common cold is one of the major illnesses in children. Normally, it will go away within a few days without causing any complications and serious consequences. However, it is always better to treat the initial symptoms right away to avoid any possible risks. 

Make sure your child gets sufficient rest and quality sleep. If they have a fever and you are not sure about what medication to use or if you see no improvements after a week, contact your child’s paediatrician for professional medical advice.


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Established in 2011, SOG Health Pte. Ltd. (“SOG”) is a leading healthcare service provider dedicated to delivering holistic health and wellness services to the modern family.

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